演出時間:2010/9/8~12(三~日) 晚上八點 連演五天 演出地點:公寓咖啡館 (台北市中山區中山北路二段44巷21之2號)「傍晚、一個來自樓下的神秘訪客、一個住在樓上的日本大作家,一場談話以及一件小事。」推理、鬥智、詭譎、驚愕、顫慄 瑞士國寶級作家迪倫馬特作品,一個幽默、古怪、荒謬的黑色驚悚劇。
票價:250(兩廳院之友、誠品會員、學生購票可享9折優惠)穗過頭的力量聯盟【穗過頭雙打套票】【穗過頭全壘打套票】同步優惠中,請上fringeforce.blogspot.com |
1 則留言:
A time seems to come in every woman’s life when she gets an uncontrollable urge to give her home a thorough cleaning. Many women still follow the old-fashioned spring and fall schedule. Spring cleaning was unavoidable many years ago when coal stoves were used all winter, coating everything with a thick, greasy dirt.
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